Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Search Landscape

1] More than 100 Search Engines world wide - Multiple different searches on multiple different search engines

2] 1 Billion of people searches Google every month out of half the searches from USA, and people are searching in new ways every day

3] Most of the searches on Google and Baidu is a China Search engine. And particularly in UK 87% of search 
4] What is Search?  by Google

5] People search in Google because the related information is available. People looking for information, research, learning and purchasing 

6] Spending our day with web enabled devices

7] 16% of the Searches in Google are NEW

8] Adult Search Engine user in US - Maximum percentage of search engine user are adults above 18+, adult targeted sites can make more profit

9] How and When people are searching - 

10] Google in 1997, i.e when Google starts its service

11] How Google is in 2001 - NO Much add, NO Video results, NO Image results, NO Left nav bar
12] Search the result now in Google -
  • 2 to 5 Seconds of users time saves using Suggest instant 
  • Preview - Before taking the result users can preview the results
  • Local - Location of your city
  • Interactive video and image listing in search result 

13] People increasing in Digital

14] Your Customers are researching to find you - 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Official Google + Page Creation for Website

Create a Google + page with use “Local Business” link to list your business and finally verify using different verification process
webmaster tool, Address conformation through letter, and adding the Google + link in related page.

If you got different products you can have Google+ page for each product
1] Create a Google + Page for each product
2] If the product is Shoes, create a page with relevant to Shoes and finally Google + page will generate a link
3] Add the link in your product page and verify it

this helps Google to identify the relevancy of the website

If you search with '+' symbol along with the company E.g +youtube, +pepsi this keyword will directly show the Google plus page of the company in the first page (or first link) of the search result. You can search for brand, Company, cultural entity

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Testing for Better Font and Font Size

Version 1 -
Have the text bigger with a clear font highly visible to read (e.g and also give a option to change the size of the text

Version 2-
Have the text that best to the design don't bother about the visibility of the text

Check for which page among those version people spending more time, that can be considered  as people showing some interest to read

Monday, May 20, 2013

Twitter marketing

You can re-tweet your tweet from another dummy account and you can get the Embedded Code of that tweet and also you can share that tweet to several mail ID’s so that your tweet will be send to different mail address and you can get chance to get more followers