Monday, April 15, 2024

Search Engine Commands


Search operatorWhat it doesExample
“ ”Search for results that mention a word or phrase.“steve jobs”
ORSearch for results related to X or Y. jobs OR gates
|Same as OR:jobs | gates
ANDSearch for results related to X and Y. jobs AND gates
-Search for results that don’t mention a word or -apple
*Wildcard matching any word or phrase.steve * apple 
( )Group multiple searches.(ipad OR iphone) apple
define:Search for the definition of a word or phrase. define:entrepreneur
cache:Find the most recent cache of a
filetype:Search for particular types of files (e.g., PDF).apple filetype:pdf
ext: Same as filetype:apple ext:pdf
site:Search for results from a particular
related:Search for sites related to a given
intitle:Search for pages with a particular word in the title tag.intitle:apple
allintitle:Search for pages with multiple words in the title tag. allintitle:apple iphone
inurl:Search for pages with a particular word in the URL. inurl:apple
allinurl:Search for pages with multiple words in the URL. allinurl:apple iphone
intext:Search for pages with a particular word in their content.intext:apple iphone
allintext:Search for pages with multiple words in their content.allintext:apple iphone
weather:Search for the weather in a location. weather:san francisco
stocks:Search for stock information for a ticker.stocks:aapl
map:Force Google to show map valley
movie:Search for information about a jobs
inConvert one unit to another.$329 in GBP
source:Search for results from a particular source in Google source:the_verge
before:Search for results from before a particular before:2007-06-29
after:Search for results from after a particular after:2007-06-29

Search operatorWhat it doesExample
#..#Search within a range of numbers. iphone case $50..$60
inanchor:Search for pages with backlinks containing specific anchor text. inanchor:apple
allinanchor:Search for pages with backlinks containing multiple words in their anchor text. allinanchor:apple iphone
AROUND(X)Search for pages with two words or phrases within X words of one another. apple AROUND(4) iphone
loc:Find results from a given area.loc:”san francisco” apple
location:Find news from a certain location in Google News.location:”san francisco” apple
daterange:Search for results from a particular date range. daterange:11278-13278

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