Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Adsense tips - to increase your Ad-sense Income

Make your AD BIG

 Your Adsense add should be big enough on the page. The bigger the Add better for revenue, the small ads doesn't perform well as like bigger ads and maintain the perfect position for your bigger ad

Design Your Ad matching your Site

 Design your ad to match perfectly to your site, make use of color palettes in your Adsense a/c while creating your ad, so that your ad should match the look and feel of your site

Optimize your Ad Position

Place your ad in the perfect position where your visitors watch through, if an ad placed at the bottom of the page doesn’t give you the expected performance, place your ad where your  users will see them, position  your ad above it always gives best performance  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How to find keyword that gives more sales – ROI Keywords

Check the ROI Keywords from Traffic Source -> Advertising-> Adwords-> Campaigns here you will be taken to “Campaign” click the Campaign Name(in your right panel) now you will be taken to “Ad Group” click the Ad Group now you will be taken to list of keywords, there (same in right panel) you will find “Explorer” at the top here GOTO “Click” here you will find a list of keywords with ROI value, CPC etc

Make use of ROI value 

It is not good to Change the keywords on few days data i.e if a keywords got very low clicks and with negative ROI (-100%), don’t  change the keyword, wait until more hits for that keyword, also a single day visitors may not convert into customers, so wait for long days even still if a keywords is not giving a preferred ROI then make decision

Destination URL’s – Finding which URL Content content is performing

If several URL’s used for Adwords campaign, and a single URL runs several ads with different content in Adwords campaigns , finding which content adds of the particular URL are performing well and gives more revinue  in the campaign can be find simple
Traffic Source -> Advertising-> Adwords->Destination URLs
click the URL and GOTO secondary dimension and click “Ad Content” here you can find which content add gives more revenue and performing well

Ref http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oWk1QDaIZk

Monday, April 1, 2013

Multi-Channel Funnels in Google Analytics - Overview

Multi-Channel Funnels

When someone buys from your site or complete some important action is called conversation, these conversation can happen during the search engine search, Online add, referral. This conversation happens during several visit, as user take time to research the product, consider pricing or compare similar products. This multichannel funnel reports helps to view all your channels and marketing initiatives work together to create a conversation.

You can find which channel or keywords initiate for sales conversation, this is called first role of interaction. And you can find which source of advertising helps to close sales  this is called role of last interaction, you can find

Live From Google Analytics

Time Tag
In conversions -> Multi-Channel Funnels-> Time Tag. Here “Time Lag in Days” shows how many days it took customers to convert

Path Length
In conversions -> Multi-Channel Funnels-> Path Length. Here “Path Length in Interactions” shows how many channels customer interacted to make this conversation.
Path Length in Interactions – 1
Conversions – 15
Here the customer tool only one advertising source or medium to make 15 conversion

Top Conversion Path
Shows each sequence of interaction that led up to a conversion

Assisted Conversion – Source or medium helps in assist in conversion
This also includes a report that shows how often each channel initiated, assisted, and closed sales and conversions.
