Monday, December 17, 2012

Google View in 404 Pages

When there is 404 Error, the HTTP response code clearly tells both browsers and search engines that the page doesn’t exist. The content of the page is entirely unrelated to the HTTP response returned by the server. Firstly, a page like this (called a "soft" 404) tells search engines that there’s a real page at that URL. As a result, that URL may be crawled and its content indexed. Because of the time Googlebot spends on non-existent pages, your unique URLs may not be discovered as quickly or visited as frequently and your site’s crawl coverage may be impacted (also, you probably don’t want your site to rank well for the search query [File not found]).

If your page returns 404 Error you can use the following methods

1] You can improve the user experience by configuring your site to display a custom 404 page when returning a 404 response code.

2] you could create a page containing a list of your most popular pages, or a link to your home page, or a feedback link

3] You can also use the Webmaster Tools Custom 404 widget to add a search box and more site search options to your site.

4] You should properly redirect to related pages so that the rank given for the page may not fall

5] Use the 404 Customized page given by Google this will automatically search that 404 Page or page related to that 404 page

Referral Websites

Error - Server connectivity errors

Server connectivity errors

1] Due to Googlebot couldn’t access your site because the request timed out or because your site is blocking Google 

2] It is important to choose the fast server - If the server takes long time to load the page, or server returns busy this may return overload status and makes the Google bot to crawl the site more slowly

3] The server should be capable to handle traffic

4] Here are the different issues in the server due to misconfiguration of your server or server overload issue faced by Google bot while fetching the content. If your website facing such a error we can use "Fetch as Google" from Webmaster tool and find the response form Google Bot while fetching your server

  • Server error: Connect timeout

     -  Google was unable to connect to your server.
  • Server error: Connect failed

    Google wasn’t able to connect to your server because the network is unreachable or down.
  • Server error: Connection refused - 

     Server refused the connection. Your hosting provider may be blocking Googlebot, or there may be a problem with the configuration of their firewall.
  • Server error: No response

    Google was able to connect to your server, but the connection was closed before the server sent any data.
  • Server error: Truncated response

    - Your server closed the connection before we could receive a full response, and the body of the response appears to be truncated.
  • Server error: Connection reset -

    Your server successfully processed Google’s request, but isn't returning any content because the connection with the server was reset. Please check back later.
  • Server error: Truncated headers - 

    Google was able to connect to your server, but it closed the connection before full headers were sent. Please check back later.
  • Server error: Timeout - 

    The server timed out waiting for the request
Many very high secure server restricts some un-usual request, as Google bot makes more request than human user so some servers may block the request from Google

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Find Goal Keywords in Google Analytics

Method I

To view the keywords that achieve the Goal like E.g Keywords that help for website registrations, or achieve your Goal in analytics

Content -> Overview -> All Pages

Here find the Goal URL i.e Thank you page URL that you used to target the Goal E.g /reg_thankyou.html. Click on the Thank-you page URL that shows in your analytics used for Goal by using “Secondary Dimension” find for keywords, here you can find the keywords that help to complete the Goal URL

Method II

In the "Advance Segment" of Google Analytics create a "New Custom Segment" here select the below option

Include -> Page -> Containing -> (your thank-you page)

If there is more than one registration page (or) thank-you page, you can follow the same above process in a "OR Statement" sothat you can view all the different registration, inquiry that happen all around the website in a single report

Error - Googlebot did not crawl your URL | Couldn’t communicate with the DNS server

1] DNS warnings or errors don’t affect Googlebot's ability.

2] You can use Fetch as Google to check if Googlebot can currently crawl your site.

3] If Fetch as Google returns the content of your homepage without problems, you can assume that Googlebot is generally able to access your site properly.

4] While most DNS warnings or errors don’t affect Googlebot's ability

5] Websites can be configured to respond to all subdomain requests. For example, the website at can be configured to respond to requests for

6] User created sub-domain E.g this may cause content to be duplicated unnecessarily across different hostnames, and it may also affect Googlebot’s crawling.

Ref -